
May 29, 2019

Then and Now

May 2007
I moved into Serendipity twelve years ago on Memorial Day weekend. I remember packing up the car at the apartment rental and seeing folks taking off with boats in tow. It was a hot one, just like the past few days have been, but I was filled with excitement.

Furniture was on its way from storage.  New toilets (an absolute must) and a/c units were on their way from Home Depot.  While waiting for that delivery, I discovered that there was a brick patio under the grass in the rear.  Later, I would discover the brick walkways going around the house.

So here we are, twelve years later, and finally (hopefully) reaching the end of what was to be a five-year renovation. Twelve years of remodeling, repairing, and making do.What a ride it has been!  Sometimes, I felt like a pioneer woman who forged ahead to a new homestead, leaving behind comfort, family, and friends. I encountered critters whom I'd only seen on tv and in the zoo.  I also acquired dogs who, I learned, also had their own way of doing things.  The latest and last to occupy the property is Patches, a stubborn little termagant, who believes that he rules the roost. And let's not forget trying to adapt to changes in culture, politics, language.  "You're not from around here, are you?" A new way of living but then that's why I left D.C., right?

I think that I've grown as a person but still do not suffer fools lightly. Working on bridling that tongue.  No hope for the face, however.  Aging not so gracefully. Keeping active doing things that I enjoy--my books, my computer--and a very modest social life. Still haven't found a church; I believe the pastor of my home church spoiled me awfully.  Have heard two ministers that I would like to hear again but, as with all things in this neck of the woods, it would require some serious driving.

Serendipity has changed considerably.  What a difference twelve years makes.

Be safe. Be Blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it had not been for your email, I wouldn't have checked this out this post. Seeing it, I remembered how nice, serious, funny and friendly I found you upon meeting you. It was softly profound. Big changes are a sign of a desire to see exactly what the good Lord intended us to see. For me, the return home has been a mixed blessing. I did some things. I got old enough to have health concerns arise. But, I found that once my family thinned, I don't feel the need to be here. A decision must, however, come soon. Thank you for always sharing yourself with those wise enough to listen and see. God's blessings to you, dear MIZ Gwen.
Reverend Robert.