
February 17, 2009


The acting manager was in total shock when she opened up the computer screen and saw that my request for a transfer had been approved."What is this? I have to cancel this." Boys and girls, if she had canceled my request, I believe I would have performed right there in the middle of the office. "Oh, no you don't! We have to talk." One of the assistant managers, a friend of Nemesis, sat in disbelief. I just know that she made a phone call as soon as she left the office. So the transfer has been approved; now we wait. I have to be interviewed by the other store manager and paperwork done. We'll see.

Now on a serious note. Anyone with any sense of management would know that there is a problem when everybody in my position leaves. And for me to agree to drive 30 miles away when I'm only 10 minutes from the job. Not my problem. Just get me out of there. And, no, we didn't talk. We don't need to...she had already been filled in when she arrived. Here's hoping that it is not leaping from the frying pan into the fire.

I'm rushing Spring. Number One Son and Daughter-in-law gave me a gift certificate for flowers for Christmas. I spent today perusing their web site and made my purchase: day lilies, hosta, iris, and peonies. Can't wait for the end of March to arrive. The hosta will go along the fence by the newspaper; the day lilies between the forsythia beside the barn/shed/garage. Peonies and iris in the front. I'm so excited.

Be blessed.

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