
April 30, 2012

Planes, Permits, Plants, and Such

I sent my good congressman, Rep. Stephen Fincher, an email asking who paid for his weekly trips back to Frog Jump (yep, you read that right), knowing full well the answer to the question.  You've got to hand it to these Republicans; they're sneaky.  The answer, left as a voice mail, is that each congressional representative receives an annual operating budget  for their office and the funds for the air travel are taken out of that.  The last I heard...there would be no budget if the public didn't pay their TAXES!  Hello!  Are you listening, Fincher?  I am one of the many who makes it possible for you to fly back and forth on a weekly basis.  Yet you don't want to raise taxes on the 1%?  Let Fincher Farms pick up the tab and write it off.  Give me a break! 

The good folks at the TN State Department of Safety sent my license to carry.  Whoo hoo! What an ugly photograph.  And like the responsible person that I am, I promptly put it away for safe keeping.  I swear that this house is haunted because what should be in that same area but the missing passport.  We knew that it would turn up.  Another ugly photograph.  So now I have two passports: one that is valid; one that is not.

The humongous flower bed is 99.9% complete. It took 20 bags of mulch and more is needed.  The new plantings will look great when they take root but it calls attention to the opposite side of the walkway, out front, which needs desperate help.  I do think that weed block and lots of mulch will be the solution.  I'm so tired of planting flowers and I still have others to put down.

Speaking of putting out flowers...the sky turned dark and a few rain drops fell.  You've never seen anyone so happy! Sometimes we need help to save ourselves.  I went to retrieve the ones that I'd placed around the tree...I'm not totally stupid...and lo and behold.  Two young ladies did an abrupt u-turn and went back in the direction from whence they came, laughing all the way.  I don't know them but I can assure you that if the plan was to steal my plants....

My grandiose plans for the slope with the missing bush have been shelved.  The spot will be moved and I'll adjust to the missing bush. The flowers must be planted because I've got so many.  I want all of this done soon 'cause we know The Kid will run out of steam and interest and nothing will ever get finished.

I forgot to post the photo of the horse and rider.  Here it is.  Bucolic, ya' think?

I'll tell you about my foray into the world of writing an article for publication next time.   Meanwhile, be safe. Be Blessed.

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