Of course, I'm miles away and, according to the Initiative, she also excels at the other things that newborns do. So GG, aka Grandma Gwen, has a granddaughter to lavish girly, frilly things on. Such as a bling pacifier.
Really, every girl should have one. Grandsons get things like water guns and noisy toys that drive their mothers mad.
Then, ten days later, #1 Son celebrated his 40th birthday. Ah, I still remember those labor pains. And the milestones in-between then and now. First steps; first haircut; first day of school; yada yada.
On the 24th of the month, the White family was blessed to welcome an attorney to its ranks.

That's right, #1 Niece, Teza M. White, Esquire, received her Juris Doctorate from Catholic U's Columbus School of Law. Hmm, Esquire sounds real good. Wish my mom, "Granny," had been able to see it. That's okay. My eyes filled up for her.
Of course, these momentous occasions required a trip home. It was cold as hell. Left 86 degrees, in TN, with a bag full of lightweight clothes. No sweater; no jacket; no shawl. Damned near froze. How could that be, you ask? It rained the night that I arrived and a cold front moved in. Will pack a jacket from now on even if I go to the Equator!

I'm sure that the folks in the hotel weren't too happy when we nuked the leftovers. Lit that hallway UP! Meant to have some shipped home.
And the trip would not have been complete without a visit with the grands. Couldn't hook up with #1 Grandson, Kevin, Jr., but made the pilgrimage to Frederick to see the Initiative. Thank God for GPS! Made it into a family outing to the Olive Garden where the youngest member slept through out the entire meal. Did I mention that she snores?
Returned home to find that the bushes at the front of the driveway had been neatly trimmed and the cutest little teapot awaited my return. I knew who donated the teapot but the bushes? That remains a mystery. Perhaps "yardman" has more get-up then I gave him credit for.
Happenings at Serendipity coming up next. Be Safe. Be Blessed.
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