
March 04, 2008

Curses! Cursed! Cursing!

Foiled again, boys and girls. I have been looking forward to the Wally World bonus ever since we were told about it in orientation. Employees receive a share of the store's revenue. Whoo hoo! Had my share earmarked. "Don't make no plans; don't be disappointed," was my mother's mantra. Have heard it all my life. Heard it again last night. I won't be sharing in the spoils. Why, why ever not? All employees on board before Feb. 1, 2007, get a cut. Those hired after that date must be on board for six months. Hasn't it been six months? Not. Short by 10 days, can you believe it? 10 days! I also didn't receive holiday bonuses because I was short of the required time, 90 days. Please, God, give me a break! I needed to pay that bill. still and wait on the Lord. It will get paid.

Good news for the lady I told you about. She went to the manager and all's right with the world...for the moment. This particular assistant is going to definitely ride her now but maybe he will rein in and find someone else. Like I said, there are three young ladies that could use a little riding.

A little snow falling; really just a wintry mix. Maybe I can avoid snow this year even though my neighbors are a wishing and a hoping. I have really seen all the snow I want to see in my lifetime, unless I am housebound. Serious rain fell yesterday--so much so, the roof at Wally World leaked like a sieve. There were buckets EVERYWHERE! I was surprised. I figured that if Wally World was leaking that way, Serendipity was underwater. Pleasantly surprised to find that everything was dry. Except for the front bathroom, that is. Don't have the funds to get it repaired correctly. We'll veer away from that subject. It is depressing.

Sent in my application to the placement agency. Maybe something will break in that area. Also sent in more resumes. We'll see.

Had breakfast with my mother. The dream was clear as a bell and the meal was enjoyable. It's been six years but I still miss her dearly. Looking forward to the election results.

Be back at ya.

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