
January 13, 2013

Time for Reflection

It seems the older I get the more I tend to remember things from the past. Some happy; some not so much; and some, definitely best forgotten.  I think it's called nostalgia.  It's a new year.  Time to let the past go. Right? Time to look forward with anticipation and joy. Right? 

So let's sum up 2012 in a few words:

1) GREAT!  No, everything didn't go as planned but I am so thankful for the things that did. And I am thankful that the disappointments were not disastrous ones. Isn't it amazing how major things become minor with the passage of time?

Acquired additions to my teapot collection through my friend, Terry. Lovely pieces. A tea party is in order.

Learned that I will again be a grandmother.  A baby girl is on the way.

2) SADDENING! I, like you, lost more family members and wonderful friends. Their presence added so much over the years whether I knew them for a long or short time.  Some helped shape my character; others helped broaden my knowledge. R.I.P.

The news that Caulen Tharpe, the youngest son of friends Brent and Charity, had developed cancer at age 7, was devastating for all concerned.  However, God is an awesome God and Caulen now has a clean bill of health.

The senseless murders of many by deranged people.  Never forget those babies who had not begun to live.

3) FUN! Time with my best friend is always good. We enjoyed trips to Las Vegas, Jamaica, Atlantic City, and peaceful time at Serendipity. Meeting new acquaintances and renewing old ones. Stepping out to a few gatherings and hosting my first.

4)  INTERESTING!  Facebook, for all its reputed evils, opened up a whole new vista for keeping abreast of what's happening beyond my backyard and insight into the viewpoint of others. Had some really great debates on a wide range of issues. Lost a few "friends" but so be it.

Supported the reelection of my favorite president, #44, through his phone bank.  That community organizer put together an awesome machine.  Pray for his continued success.

2012 is a thing of the past. Bring it, 2013, I ready and waiting with open arms.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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